Mastering Your Next 90-days

Q3 is starting this week.

I can barely believe it. 

This year is flying by. (Opposite of 2020, right?!)

And, studies show that when you zoom in on ONE priority (just ONE), your likelihood of achieving that ONE goal is substantially higher than if you spread yourself to multiple things.​

Multitasking is out.

Being everything to everyone is your ticket to burnout.​

Zooming in and focusing & prioritizing your ONE thing is now the goal.

If there was ONE thing you could focus on over the next 90 days, what would it be?​

Here is my ONE thing: RECHARGE.

Q1 my goal was to write the book.

Q2 my goal was to publish the book.

Now Q3 I need a moment to generate my energy back.

Since success is sequential, not simultaneous, if there was just ONE thing you could focus on to move the lever in your 2021 year, what would it be?

Remember: If you chase two rabbits, both will escape. 

Have an awesome week.




And, in case you missed it: My book is finally published :) You can order it here: Influential Dad, Empowered Daughter


Ashlee Klevens Hayes, PharmD, MHA

Executive Career Coach & Interview Prep Expert




And, in case you missed it: My book is finally published :) You can order it here: Influential Dad, Empowered Daughter ​


Ashlee Klevens Hayes, PharmD, MHA

Executive Career Coach & Interview Prep Expert



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