The Secret Sauce to Success Inside Your Career

Can I let you in on a littttle secret? 

 I am not a naturally confident person.
In fact, I spent most of my early career feeling like I had to change myself  in order to fit into my profession.
Crazy enough - the one thing that I’ve leaned into since the inception of both my business and owning my own definition of success is neither clarity of what I want out of my career or the confidence required to make things happen.
So what was it?! What gives?!
What is the secret sauce to “going after your definition of success?”
It was, and still is: courage.
Courage to show up as 100% my authentic self. (I call it FDA: Fully Deeply Ashlee)
Courage to start with no roadmap or guarantee of success.
Courage to launch my business and start from nothing.
Courage to send this email!!!
I spent most of my career feeling unclear because I was deathly afraid of failure, criticism, and rejection. I would rather be good at being average than risk being great and fail.
However, once I discovered that courage is one of the top predictors of success, followed by confidence & clarity, everything started to change for me.
When you are undergoing a career pivot, learning new tools on how to thrive in your job or biz, or wanting to make big bold moves inside your life, throw confidence out the window and defining exactly what you want out of your career & life….. You just gotta START somewhere.
Most importantly, for most of us, finding clarity is a lifelong journey. So why not begin that journey today?

Here is the best part: As you begin to take more action, as you begin to prioritize your energy & time, and as you begin to commit to yourself (and no one else)….. the HOW to accomplish all-of-the-things will begin to show up.

So what does courage look like to you?

How have you shown as your most authentic self lately?!

Please share with me, I would love to hear from you!

Have a great week!!

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