How to Declutter Your Brain Right Now

I don't know about you, but rolling into week 6-7 of quarantine, I hit a wall. I started to have this low energy cloud roll over me, and I was having trouble finding my focus.... So, over the last few weeks I made some big changes that have been a game changer for me. 

To quit buffering, get back your A+ game, and to clear your brain fog, here are some tips that can help you this week: 

1) Take that PTO you planned. Last week I had a trip scheduled, and even though it was canceled, I still took the time off from work. I did not leave my jammies, watched TV literally all day, ordered take out, and did not feel ONE ounce of guilt. I've literally never done before in my entire life and it felt damn good. Highly recommended.

2) Instead of asking "how are you doing" to a friend ask them "Tell me something amazing that has happened to you recently." I started doing this with my mastermind group, and it immediately brought me so much joy. Be the positive & radiant light that everyone needs right now - you benefit from this too!  

3) Take a break from social media, Zoom, and your phone. Take a break from all of the screens. Everything will be here when you check back in, but it is time you decompress & only do the ESSENTIAL work that is required from you. Get some fresh air, go outside! 

4) Accomplish ONE big task each day. Between homeschooling, entertaining the kids, planning 3 meals a day, and doing a zillion loads of laundry AND working full time, this is a lot of moving parts! Focusing on ONE tasks each day will help you concentrate deeply on the task, to think more creatively about the solution and to complete it faster than usual. It increases productivity and brings better results much quicker than trying to do too much. 

5) On the contrary to #1, get in 30 mins of cardio everyday. This lowers cortisol, stimulates endorphins, elevates your mood, gets you out of your seat, and resets your mindset. 

Above all else, get an accountability buddy to ensure you are taking the right steps to help yourself... Accountability gives you that extra leverage and push you need to get-sh*t-done!

Do these steps above for the next 1-2 weeks, and circle back with me! Let me know what is helping you stay focused and bringing your energy up... what other tips and tricks do you have up your sleeve!?! 

p.s. did you know I release a new blog every Wednesday? Every time I receive a question via email (from you!), I always make sure to write about the Q's! Make sure to the check them out!

Always with you,

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