Intrapreneur vs. Entrepreneur

Last week after I sent out the note that I am hiring I received a few emails in asking what exactly an "intrapreneur" means. Since I work with both entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs, below are the specific examples and characteristics of what these descriptions mean.

Both entrepreneur and intrapreneur share similar qualities like conviction, creativity, & insight, the two share many similar traits.

  • Entrepreneur refers to a person who set up his own business with a new idea or concept.

    • Personal brand reflected on the business & mission of the entrepreneur

    • Responsible for hiring and firing & should be incentivized to hire intrapreneurs (see below!)

    • Identify what the big problem is & collaborate to fix & solve the issue

      • Believes that their product/service is the “Game changer” in the marketplace & is solving the problem no one has solved yet

    • Main challenge - breaking into the market, attracting the right talent/people to get them there

  • Intrapreneur refers to an employee of the organization who is in charge of undertaking innovations in product, service, process etc.

    • Less risk involved, and is less likely to execute a major risk that the entrepreneur does

    • Personal brand developed by internal goals & personal preferences

    • Entrepreneur within a team, company, or organization

    • Main challenge - company culture, autonomy, finding the "right fit"

  • Both Entrepreneur & Intrapreneurs are:

    • Innovators

    • Leaders

    • Ambitious

    • Tap into relationship skills

    • Networking

    • Sales/marketing

    • Resourceful

    • Eager to learn

Moral of the two is that there is not THAT big of a difference.

All of us should be focused on learning the skills that embody a successful entrepreneur AND intrapreneur.

We all need to be entrepreneurs in our lives, and just because you do not own a business does not mean that YOU are an entrepreneur... you are an intrapreneur!

Have you ever heard of this term before? Can you provide me an example of when you been either?!

If not, lets normalize using it to empower each other to live out our unique vision of success.

Yours truly,



Ashlee Klevens Hayes, PharmD, MHA
Career Expert + Interview Prep Coach

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