10 Tips to Leverage Your LinkedIn

If you are in the market for landing a new job or looking to grow your online presence, then LinkedIn is an absolute MUST for you. 

Since launching my business 3 years ago, I have learned just how valuable this online platform can be for building connections, gaining visibility, getting new job opportunities, landing speaking engagements, and scaling my business! 

Three benefits of being on LinkedIn are:

  1. Not having to leave home to grow your network! Whether you live in a big city or rural area, you can connect & meet with people all over the world! With over 250 million users, you have access to new job opportunities within your fingertips!

  2. With more than 20 million companies listed on the site and 14 million open jobs, it's no surprise to find out that 90% of recruiters regularly use LinkedIn.

  3. Companies are looking for professionals EXACTLY like you on LinkedIn. You can grow your personal brand, land speaking engagements, and get paid consulting opportunities, just from using this platform!

Gone are the days you will be having FOMO (fear of missing out!) when it comes to LinkedIn. Instead, use my top tips on how to get SEEN and leverage the incredible power of LinkedIn. 

Set Yourself Up For Success On LinkedIn by Using My Top 10 Tips 

  1. Is LinkedIn for you? Determine if LinkedIn is the right platform for you. You've already read about some of the benefits. How else can you decide? Commitment: For best results, I recommend engaging with platform for at least 20 minutes a day for 90 days to start. Also, will you commit at minimum to maintaining an updated profile? I don't recommend engaging with LinkedIn if you are not willing to be consistent and put your best foot forward.

  2. Profile & Background Picture. Your profile picture should be a professional high-resolution headshot of yourself. Although your profile photo is not a measure of your work, pretend this image will get posted on your company's website. Also, your profile is 10x more likely to be looked at if you have a background image that describes either your company or your personal brand.

  3. Headliner Success. Your Headline is the first thing people read when viewing your profile or receiving your "Connection" requests. It's the most valuable real estate (120 characters) on your profile and should reflect your Professional Identity. Your Professional Identity is based on your values, your skills, and the unique experiences that define yourself. Ensure your Headliner describers who you are and what you want to be known for.

  4. Summary - Your profile summary is arguably the most critical and essential section of your profile. When you write your summary, focus on the problems you solve for the employer or client who is looking to hire you. Make sure to include keywords for the roles you are interested in, as well as your contact information. You want to make it easy for someone to email you and get you hired asap!

  5. Get Rid of Dates. To prevent age discrimination (in either direction), remove the years you went to school in your profile.

  6. SEO. Recruiters and employers use LinkedIn via SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tools. The recruiter/employer will identify you with keyword searches. Make sure your profile is inclusive of your skills, experiences, background, education, etc. so that the recruiters (or clients) can identify you for the specific role. In your profile, make sure you address: who you work with, what experience you have in your particular niche or industry, and what services you offer. Your profile summary is arguably the most critical and important section of your profile.

  7. Reviews & Testimonials. Hiring managers, consulting companies, and potential clients READ reviews. Nearly 100% of potential buyers read online reviews before they make a purchase, and you are no different! You gain credibility when others can vouch for your expertise. If you are starting from scratch and do not know who to ask for writing you a review, ask prior clients, managers, or colleagues to write you a positive, glowing review. A review should answer: "Why should I hire this person?" Or "Why would I enjoy working with this person?" Have your reviewers write about these two questions!

  8. LinkedIn Messages. Have your direct messages from LinkedIn be directly sent to your personal email inbox. When recruiters or people looking to network with you are trying to get in touch with you, make it easy for them!

  9. Engagement. If you do not know what to post, start engaging and contributing to conversations inside of LinkedIn groups or in your newsfeed. This will allow your profile to stand out and get noticed by other LinkedIn users.

  10. Quality over Quantity! There is no specific number of connections you should aim to have. Connect with people you can learn from or who share similar interests with you. The fun part about this platform is that your connections do not have to stay isolated to one industry or profession! When you send a connection request, make sure to send them a note along with the request. In the note, introduce yourself and share something about why you are connecting.

Most importantly, have fun with this platform! Meet people who you would not reach out to usually. You never know where these connections can take you!

Once you implement these tips, follow up with me and let me know how they work for you! 

Cheers to skyrocketing your LinkedIn presence!

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