Owning Your Emotions: Reactivity vs. Responsiveness
Is it 2022 yet?!
No, but really. What a week it has been!
As many of us continue to balance working from home & juggling family obligations, plus trying to stay safe & prevent the spread of COVID-19, I've been feeling the BURN of BURNOUT with both myself and my clients the last few weeks.
It is clear to me that this pandemic continues to take a toll on our mental health, and we need to be aware of how we are responding to both the stressors from what is happening in the media + what is happening in our personal/professional lives.
This is specifically why we are going to discuss RESPONDING vs. REACTING to your triggers right now!
Mastering the art of Reacting in the heat of the moment vs. Responding with calmness and ease:
Identify your triggers. A trigger refers to a feeling that affects your emotional state. A trigger affects your ability to remain present in the moment either at work or at home, & it may influence your responsiveness & behavior during this heated moment. Reflect on what makes you triggered, & write them down.
Get to the root of the issue. Before jumping the gun or responding with emotions, identify what the major issue is. Identify why you are being triggered by this issue? What is causing you to FEEL reactive vs. objectively responding with clarity & ease? Being aware of your WHY is a simple method to getting crystal clear about breaking or building a triggering habit.
Define what is at stake here? If you are in a reactive state (as opposed to calm, clear, & intentional state), you are at risk of saying or doing things that are not factual, emotional, not on brand, & flat out inappropriate (you know what I am talking about here....). Let's avoid this unnecessary chaos as much as possible.
When you are triggered & are in a reactive state:
Pause. Be aware that you are, in fact, triggered. Awareness is KEY to navigating your response.
Check in with your body. Often times when we feel "triggered" our heart rate elevates, our palms get sweaty, & our chest starts to sink in with discomfort. Notice & be aware these signs. These are indicators your body is telling you to BE ON ALERT, and recognize that these are symptoms of reactivity (vs. calmness). Our body was trained & evolved from the "fight or flight" state & responding in the "flight" state (or the reactive state) is when your brain is not fully functioning at optimal 100% capability. This is why you might say or do things that you otherwise would not do.
Take ten deep breaths. In your nose & out your mouth. Make sure your exhales are longer than your inhales.
Phone a friend. Who can you turn to before losing your cool? Call a trusted friend who you can bounce ideas off of.
Own your super power. Your super power is YOU, your value, and your personal brand. When you allow your emotions & responsiveness to take control & OWN you, you are letting your zone of genius slip away & your emotions to get the best of you.
Bottom line: You cannot control what is thrown at you, but you can take OWNERSHIP of your triggers and your reactions to those triggers. Do not allow your reactivity to OWN you, your value, or your personal brand.
Remember: We ALL mess up and we ALL do & say things we do not mean (ugh!).... however, keep showing up, keep doing the inner work, and let that be enough.... YOU GOT THIS!!
5 articles to support you in thriving in your career to check out this week:
8 Steps to Avoid Flipping Your Lid in Challenging Leadership Situations
What to do when you've been fired
10 Things You Need To Know About LinkedIn To Win In 2021
Four Strategies For Networking In Today's Business Landscape
****“I’m Trapped In a Job that I Can’t Leave…What Should I Do ?” >>> Guest Expert by yours truly!!***
You are never alone. You got you.
Ashlee Klevens Hayes, PharmD, MHA
Executive Career Strategist
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