Virtual Interview Prep Checklist

When presented with the right opportunity, how you show up for your next virtual interview could literally change your life.

Use my Virtual Interview Prep Checklist to navigate your next virtual interview, stand out in a competitive marketplace, and market yourself like a pro!

  1. Background: Minimize the distractions, and keep your background as a plain flat wall or an organized book shelf.

  2. Lighting: Consider investing in a ring lamp or sit next to a window with natural light. Do not have any lights on in the background, it is distracting for the viewer.

  3. WIFI: Your internet connection needs to be 5 bars & nothing less. Sit close to your router.

  4. Audio: To minimize distractions and outside noise, always use headphones that plug into your computer. Avoid wireless headphones in case your Bluetooth drops.

  5. Webcam: Do not use phone apps for a webcam, only use a laptop or desktop camera. This will minimize your hand shake, and ensure your entire upper body is in the video.

  6. Eye Contact: Look at your webcam (the green dot on the camera) when you are talking. You should maintain your eye contact during the conversation by looking back and forth between screen and the camera. Look at the interviewers when they are asking you a question through the computer screen.

  7. Attire: Dress interview attire (professional dress) from head to toe.

  8. Noise: Try your best to plan ahead and avoid interruptions (dogs, kids, laundry, etc..).

  9. Distractions: Close all browsers on your computer, put a sign on your door, and make sure your phone/devices are set to silent mode.

  10. URL & Links: Show up about 5-10 minutes early to your scheduled interview. Make sure the links are correct, and you have the correct passwords to log in. Ask for a call in number just in case your internet goes down or your URL breaks.

Bonus Tip - Have a Pen & Paper ready to take notes - Have your CV, resumé, and pen/paper out to take notes. Write down the names of everyone interviewing you, and make sure to follow up via email within 24-72 hours. 

EXTRA BONUS: This is a new experience for everyone, so no sweat if your tech breaks – what counts the most is you’re A + attitude!

Need more support getting ready for your next interview? I got you covered!

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